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V2G Liberty

Opensource software to optimise and automate vehicle-to-grid charging

Earn money

The system charges the car battery on low tariffs and discharges (sells electricity) on high tariffs. All automated and optimised for high yields.

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Reduce your footprint

The system helps you reduce the footprint of the energy you use. It is charged with low footprint energy, from your solar panels or from the grid. Discharging this low-footprint energy when coal plants are blazing to keep up with demand.

Reduce stress for the grid

The charging takes place when energy is less in demand and the stress on the grid is low. When stress (demand) is high discharging helps the local grid with extra supply.

V2G explained

The Dutch braodcast association AVRO/TROS explains dynamic price contracts and how V2G can play a role in the energy transition (Dutch without subtitles). V2G Liberty shows the public energy-innovation-that-works.

V2G Liberty is a project by

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