About Us
Our Story

Three years ago the path of Positive Design and Seita crossed. We both specialise in energy flexibility and wanted to experiment with Vehicle to Grid (V2G) and see if we could make this promising technology available to a greater public💡.
Soon after, we started the Living Lab V2G @ Home in Utrecht. In autumn 2021 the first fully automated and price optimised bi-directional charging sessions were achieved 🤜 🎉!

Since then we have demoed the system to many people in (and out of) the energy-transition scene. We have been improving ever since and in spring 2022 named the product V2G Liberty ©️.
Liberty refers to the free choice we aim to provide to users. Free choice in e-car, charger and power company.
Truth nowadays is we support one charger and only few cars actually provide V2G. In the Netherlands about more and more power companies offer electricity contracts with dynamic prices.
V2G Liberty has been an example for energy-innovation-that-works on seminars, national radio and television.

Summer 2024 there are 16 people actively using V2G Liberty, reducing their foot print, reducing stress on the grid and earning money with V2G Liberty.